Accreditation Experts

Experts in quality guarantee of professional education should meet the following requirements. Experts are selected from representatives of relevant sectors of the economy (employers), as only they know - what competencies of employees they need. However, they are not deeply aware of the educational process, therefore, as experts, teachers of professional educational organizations are also involved. They know the methodology, technology, organisation, methodology of educational process. Therefore, they can assess the quality of the educational programs and the effectiveness of training - educational process. Thus, experts from the economic sector and professional education  institutions are complementary.

     Agency for Accreditation of Educational Programs and Organizations (AAEPO) invites candidates recommended by the sector, and professional educational organizations for its training. Further, candidates must submit the experts in AAEPO the following documents: 

Written recommendation guide.

Diploma of Higher Education.

Diplomas of Academic degree or titles (if any).

Proof of professional experience in the field of economics or education (at least 5 years).

List of publications (if any).

Document confirming experience in the relevant field of economics or education (at least 5 years). 

     After consideration AAEPO invites the selected candidates as experts to the training seminar. Candidates who successfully complete the training receive a certificate of expert and become included in AAEPO expert database.

For carrying out accreditation of educational programs and educational institutions AAEPO forms expert commissions that assess the educational programs or institutions, on the basis of which make a decision on accreditation / refusal of accreditation. Before the beginning of the work, the expert signs the Application for Expert Activities on Accreditation.

     AAEPO provided experts with the opportunity:

To study modern approaches and methods of independent evaluation of the quality of education.

To participate in trainings and seminars on topical areas of quality assurance of education.

To participate in the procedures of education quality assessment, assessment of the quality management system of education.

To gain experience in consulting work.

To participate in international training programs for experts in the field of quality assurance of education.


Requirements for the personal characteristics of experts:

Analytical mind.



Skill to work in team.

Focus on achieving results.



Stress resistance.

Mastery of oral communication.

Written communication skills.

Ability to independently and impartially to draw conclusions and make decisions.

Skills of work with PC.

To participate in the selection you need to:

Submit documents (available in electronic form on the e-mail: jiyde.jeenbaeve @

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