About Us

About Us

About AAEPO Agency

The Independent Agency for the Accreditation of Educational Programs and Organizations was established in 2014.

Non-profit institution "The Agency for the Accreditation of Educational Programs and Organizations" is a non-profit organization, which has legal status, established to enhance the competitiveness of the professional education of the Kyrgyz Republic through conducting accreditation.

The Agency is a non-governmental non-profit organization that does not have profit-making as the main goal of its activities.

The Agency's goal is to provide institutional and program accreditation of educational organizations and to develop methodology, technologies, standards and criteria for the accreditation of educational programs and professional education organizations. Accreditation is aimed at improving the quality of educational programs and the effectiveness of educational institutions. 



Baktybek Ismailov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, full member of the Academy of Pedagogical and Social Sciences of the Russian Federation, received accreditation training in the USA, Germany, Belgium and the Kyrgyz Republic.

Е-mail: bismailov47@gmail.com



Associate Director:
Svetlana Mambetalieva, Candidate of Technical Sciences

Е-mail:  s_mede@mail.ru

Tel: +996 (559) 888-772

Advisor to the Director:

Sherbek Sultanbekov 


Tel: +996 (558) 877-859

Professional Education Manager:

Nazgul Cholponbaeva

Е-mail: nazgul_ch@aaopo.kg
Tel: +996 (702) 517-447

Head of the Department of Primary Vocational and General Education:

Zhiidegul Zheenbaeva

Е-mail:  jiyde.jeenbaeva@gmail.com
el: +996 (772) 200-386,
        +996 (705) 901-326

Deputy Head of the Department of Primary Vocational and General Education: 

Jumakadyr Mamytkanov

Е-mail: zumakadyrmamytkanov@gmail.com
Tel: +996 (772) 772-997,
       +996 (705) 772-991



Manager for Administrative and Organizational Issues:

Akylbek kyzy Meerim


Е-mail: accred.agency@aaopo.kg

Tel: +996 (500) 009-586


Digitalization Manager:

Sultan Zhanybekov


Е-mail: zhanybekov.888@gmail.com


Legal consultant: 
Azizbek Chynybeav

E-mail: aziz_24@mail.ru



Sanjar Duishekov


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