Participation of AAEPO in the first Eurasian forum

  • Participation of AAEPO in the first Eurasian forum
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Participation of AAEPO in the first Eurasian forum on quality assurance of higher education.

From September 20 to September 21, 2018, the Agency for accreditation of educational programs and organizations (AAEPO) took part in the first Eurasian forum on quality assurance of education, dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the Independent Agency for quality assurance in education (IQAA)

"Forward to the future: trends, problems and prospects in ensuring the quality of higher education" in Astana, Kazakhstan.

The Director of AAEPO, doctor of technical Sciences, Professor Ismailov Baktybek made a report on the topic "Analysis and development of internal quality assurance systems of universities in Kyrgyzstan".

The forum was attended by well-known experts in the field of quality assurance of higher education from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Belgium, Estonia, Moldova, Azerbaijan. The speakers spoke about the experience and trends in the development of quality assurance systems in their countries, which is very valuable for improving the work of AAEPO in the field of higher education in accordance with international standards.

Especially interesting were the reports of Michelle Faith, a senior policy adviser in the field of quality assurance of the Accreditation Agency of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO) “the Theory of relativity in quality assurance”; Petra Pister, Manager quality and development of higher education of the University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany) “the Transition from tools to the quality assurance system, a 10-year experience at the University Duisburg-Essen”; Jarvelaid of Peeter, Vice-rector for innovations and strategic development of Zhetysu state University “Models of University governance:past, present and future. Effective management models for universities in Kazakhstan"; Elena Petrov, Vice-President of the National Agency for quality assurance of education and research (Moldova) " student-Centered learning through the prism of quality assurance: the experience of the Republic of Moldova”; Leonid Grebnev, Professor of the higher school of Economics (Russia) "application of Flipped Class technology for the formation of collective competencies in higher education"; Colina Tuk, Director of the Secretariat of the European Register of quality assurance in higher education (EQAR) "Internationalization of quality assurance in the European higher education area-current changes, challenges and opportunities”; Andrey Verbitsky, academician of RAO" quality of education from the perspective of contextual learning and education”; Mikey Udam, Director of international cooperation and development of the Estonian accreditation Agency (ECCA), Director of the Board of INQUAAHE “employment of graduates”.

As a result of the forum, aapo will revise certain requirements to ensure the quality of higher education, which will be implemented in the accreditation procedures and used in the accreditation of educational institutions of Kyrgyzstan.

This experience will be unconditionally useful for improving the Agency's activities in accordance with international quality standards and the principles of openness, transparency, objectivity and high professionalism.

In addition, AAEPO has signed a cooperation agreement with IQAA.

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